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But for all we know the shooter could be a kid and wearing AN ID. Its just a pure waste of time. The shooter could also go as far as making a fake ID just so they stay protected from the police. In the end IDs do not help us at all and r just a distraction of new ideas that schools or police could be thinking of to really protect us. Plus they r annoying to wear and it could be used as a weapon for the school shooter to grab it from around our necks and use it as a weapon as well, We are just making it easier for them. Wassup hoes, To start of ID's serve no point. For example if there were a school shooter and they come inside the school grounds, My id is not going to protect me, Yes we wear our ids to keep track of the students that come into the school and make sure there are no stranger coming in, But i walk into school everyday without and ID and nobody stops me or says anything. Also wearing and ID won't stop a shooter from shooting you or a police officer from shooting you because first of all a kid could be the shooter and they could be wearing an ID. Or the person could just make a fake ID. In conclusion and iD doesnt fix anything its just a pointless piece of plastic that goes around your neck and doesn't prove anything. That is actually so stupid.

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Under his direction and, with the help of our galactic families, Earth humans are to create a galactic society an ascended society that honors the Divine Will and Plan for all of humanity. Note: I give thanks to my Twin Flame, Uriel, for the privilege of working telepathically with him these past 16 years. Uriel is not to be confused with the Archangel Uriel. See my article entitled "Ascension" at: in which I describe the Initiations that all must successfully pass in order to ascend. Adam and Eve were fooled by the Serpent an ancient symbol of wisdom into thinking they could be of more help to earthlings if they tasted the symbolic fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Incarnations later, Jesus was once more given disinformation as he pondered how best to minister unto the people of Palestine.

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